We want to contribute to the sustainable development of tomorrow’s shipping and the ports of the future
We are living in intense times as the ports in Umeå and Vaasa are being adapted for tomorrow’s needs. In addition to the physical construction projects that include new areas and more berths, smarter storage possibilities, deeper fairways, and even better opportunities to receive larger vessels, we participate in various research and innovation projects. The aim is to create logistics solutions for tomorrow, develop the ports and our operations.
Read more about the different projects below. If you are interested in the construction projects in the ports, please check Construction projects Vaasa and Construction projects Umeå.
is a three-year innovation project, funded by the Swedish Transport Administration’s industry programme “Sustainable Maritime”, led by Lighthouse. The programme lowers thresholds for Swedish ports to implement digital innovations that enable the ports to function as sustainable nodes in future transport systems.
Project period 2020–2023.
Read more about the project on the I.Hamn project website Rise, ri.se
The project Nordic Intermodal Shortsea Shipping (NISS) is a collaborative project aimed at starting up at least one new shipping line for cargo from one of the region’s ports towards an appropriate receiving port. This is in order to be able to offer the region’s commodity product owners optimised shipping opportunities that match the needs and demand.
Project period 2020–2023.
Read more about the project at inab.umea.se
”The port as a digital node” is a feasibility study investigating the conditions for establishing the port as a digital node (data hub) by inventorying the conditions, strategies, and action plans for data-driven decision-making in the port and identifying new business models to create positive measurable effects also for the transport system as a whole.
The feasibility study will identify ongoing development directions (such as ”Digital Calls in the Port”, various CDM initiatives and FED-E-RATED) at both national strategic level and local level at a selection of Swedish ports, while international developments and legislation will also be considered. account.
Project period 2021–2021.
Here we participate and run three different project parts, or so-called “LivingLabs”, within the FED-e-rated project and the Swedish initiative on Digitalised sustainable transport chains – Living Labs in the FED-e-rated project:
Optimised Port Operations by Cargo Owner Integration — The focus of this LivingLab is on optimising Kvarken Ports and Umeå’s port operations to meet tomorrow’s digital logistics solutions based on the needs and requirements of load owners.
Sustainable Intermodal Chain (SIMC) — With the transport buyer’s perspective as a starting point, SIMC focuses on creating opportunities for information exchange between different roles in the transport chain.
Better Terminal Flow (BetTerFlow) — The focus of LivingLab is the flow of goods between Sweden and Finland via the Wasaline ferry and the goods that arrive at or will proceed by train from the new freight train terminal Hillskär.
More information about the projects on federatedplatforms.eu